Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Birthdays today

Diran Adebayo, novelist, Some Kind of Black (1996), 56; Rev Jonathan Aitken, writer and former Conservative minister, 82; Sir Ben Bradshaw, Labour MP for Exeter (1997-May 2024), culture, media and sport secretary (2009-10), 64; Dame Karen Buck, Labour MP for Westminster North (2010-May 2024), 66; Warren Buffett, global investor, chairman and chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway, 94; Dame Frances Cairncross, economist, 80; Robert Crumb, cartoonist, including Fritz the Cat, 81; Lord (Daniel) Finkelstein, columnist, The Times, and author, Hitler, Stalin, Mum and Dad: A Family Memoir of Miraculous Survival (2023), 62; Joann Fletcher, Egyptologist and broadcaster, 58; Sir Antony Gormley, sculptor, Angel of the North (1998), 74; Muriel Gray, journalist and broadcaster, 66; Nigel Hall, sculptor, 81; Leif Johansson, chairman, AstraZeneca (2012-23), 73; Jean-Claude Killy, alpine ski racer, triple Olympic champion (1968), 81; Steve Lansdown, businessman, co-founder of Hargreaves Lansdown, founder and owner of Bristol Sport, 72; Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus (since 1994), 70; Robin Lustig, presenter, The World Tonight (1989-2012, BBC Radio 4), 76; Sue MacGregor, presenter, Today (1984-2002, BBC Radio 4), 83; Baroness (Delyth) Morgan of Drefelin, chief executive, Breast Cancer Now (1996-2023, renamed 2015), 63; Paul Oakenfold, record producer, Pop Killer (2014), and DJ, 61; Rajiv Ouseph, former England No 1 badminton singles player, 38; Keith Payne, VC, Australian decorated for valour during the Vietnam War, 91; Andy Roddick, US tennis player, Grand Slam singles champion (US Open, 2003), 42; Dana (Scallon), singer and member of the European parliament (1999-2004), 74; Julian Smith, Conservative MP for Skipton and Ripon, Northern Ireland secretary (2019-20), chief whip (2017-19), 53; Vlad Yatsenko, businessman, co-founder of Revolut (fintech company), 41.
